This was a dream featuring several of the classic Doctor Who Doctors. I don't remember it too well, but I thought it was cool. First I saw the Sixth Doctor dressed in drag and talking in a high voice walking down a field following these two women. They were meant to be the original Weeping Angels before they became stone. It was as if it was the Doctor who created them. Then I was with a whole bunch of people who seemed to be companions of the Doctor. We were inside this cafe with rooms. Several of the Doctors were staying in these rooms because it seemed like they had some debt to pay. The Sixth Doctor was there again, and I also saw the Seventh Doctor drop in. One of the companions asked him about the future like what the winning lottery numbers were. Of course the Doctor didn't answer that. We went to each room where there was a Doctor staying. The Fifth Doctor's room was really messy and that's all I remember.
This dream may represent various aspects of your subconscious mind and personal experiences. The presence of multiple Doctor Who incarnations could symbolize different facets of your personality or different approaches to handling situations in your waking life. The Sixth Doctor dressed in drag and creating the Weeping Angels could imply that you are dealing with issues related to transformation, deception, or creating barriers to protect yourself.
The setting of a cafe with different rooms may symbolize different aspects of your life or different paths you are exploring. The messiness of the Fifth Doctor's room could suggest that you are feeling overwhelmed or scattered in some area of your life.
Overall, this dream could be prompting you to consider how you navigate challenges, make decisions, or approach changes in your life. It may also be highlighting the importance of seeking guidance or support from others, as represented by the companions of the Doctor. Alternatively, the dream could simply be reflecting your enjoyment of the Doctor Who series and its characters, and may not hold deeper symbolic meaning.